Light Sculptures by Iván Navarro

TheCoolist’s obsession with light-borne art continues, this time with the industrial-inspired light sculptures of Iván Navarro.  This Chi...

TheCoolist’s obsession with light-borne art continues, this time with the industrial-inspired light sculptures of Iván Navarro.  This Chilean artist has created a series of sculptures using fluorescent lights, mirrors and little else.  His human forms are amongst our favorites, but the reflective works have an infinite character to them, where color and text fade into nothing in a mirrored distance.  Navarro’s works are for sale on ArtNet, including many of the works shown in the gallery below.  If you like light art as much as we do, you absolutely cannot miss our feature on light graffiti.  In the mean time, more Iván Navarro after the jump.  [Iván Navarro viatrendsnow]

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