BlackBerry Empathy phone concept

  Daniel Yoon created one sweet, sweet   BlackBerry concept , the Empathy Phone that comes with a mood ring, as shown below. This social ne...

 Daniel Yoon created one sweet, sweet BlackBerry concept, the Empathy Phone that comes with a mood ring, as shown below. This social networking-focused device delivers biometric data regarding the user’s emotional state, relying on the mood ring accessory.

Imagine sharing your feelings not directly, but via the ring we mentioned. How cool is that? BlackBerry Empathy connects the user straight away to sites like FaceBook and MySpace for quick messaging and status updates. The device also comes with proximity sensors, allowing you to detect the emotions of the folks nearby through an emotion chart with a visual timeline.

Empathy uses movable keys, a translucent tactile keyboard and a flexible OLED display, plus a HUD (heads up display). The keypad on this phone can change color according to the user’s emotions, that are sensed through messages, phones calls and biometric sensors. Does this new take on social networking scare you, or do you find the concept appealing?

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